27 Juni 2023
Providing sacrifices during Eid al-Adha June 2023 to the Pandeglang Welfare Service which is distributed to Islamic boarding schools throughout Pandeglang district
Pemberian Kurban pada saat Idul Adha Juni 2023 kepada Dinas Kesejahteraan Pandeglang yang disalurkan kepada pondok pesantren di seluruh kabupaten Pandeglang.
10 April 2023
Distribution of basic necessities for Eid al-Fitr 2023 to the community around the location of the Company’s brown sugar factory which is currently still under construction
Pembagian Sembako pada Idul Fitri 2023 kepada Masyarakat di sekitar lokasi pabrik gula merah Perseroan yang saat ini masih proses pembangunan.
3 April 2023
Distribution of Eid sarongs on Eid al-Fitr 2023 to the community around the location of the Company’s brown sugar factory which is currently still under construction.
Pembagian Sarung Lebaran pada Idul Fitri 2023 kepada Masyarakat di sekitar lokasi pabrik gula merah Perseroan yang saat ini masih proses pembangunan.
25 April 2022
Distribution of basic necessities to the community around the location of the companys brown sugar factory which is currently under construction.
Pembagian sembako pada masyarakat di sekitar lokasi pabrik gula merah perseroan yang saat ini masih proses pembangunan.
22 April 2022
Distribution of eid sarong to the community around the location of the companys brown sugar factory which is currently under construction.
Pembagian sarung lebaran kepada masyarakat di sekitar lokasi pabrik yang saat ini masih proses pembangunan.
Distribution of Rice Staples in 2017
The Company participated in distributing rice staples to the community on Eid al-Fitr 2017 in Sobang village, Songgom, Cadas Ngampar, Tanjakan, Pandeglang, Banten
Parcel Distribution in 2015
The Company cooperates with the Pandeglang Resort Police (Polres) to deliver parcels to the public on Eid al-Fitr 2015, in Kepuh village, Tegalpapak, Jaha, Pandeglang, Banten
Distribution of Basic Rice Food in 2015
The Company regularly participates in providing basic food items of rice to the community on Eid al-Fitr 2015 in Sobang village, Songgom, Cadas Ngampar, Tanjakan, Pandeglang, Banten